Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ranieri: «Good training session before Siena»

Ranieri: «Good training session before Siena»

Ranieri : Sesi latihan yang baik sebelum (menghadapi) Siena

Apart from the result, which is not so important in friendly matches, Mr Ranieri can return from Messina with a number of positive indications. Against Monaco we saw the return of a few of the players who had been injured but most of all the team spirit was evident and this shows that the team is ready for the matches that count.

Hasil akhir meskipun tidak terlalu penting dalam pertangingan persahabatan, Ranieri kembali dari Messina dengan sejumlah indikasi positif. Melawan Monaco kita dapat melihat kembalinya beberapa pemain yang sebelumnya mengalami cidera tetapi dari semua itu spirit tim terlihat jelas dan ini menunjukkan bahwa tim ini siap untuk pertandingan selanjutnya

Here are the coach’s comments for Juventus Channel: «What was really important for me today is that nobody gets injured and to get back into the championship atmosphere. All eyes were pointed on the players who were returning from injury. Poulsen, Salihamidzic and Zanetti moved well even though they still do not have the same rhythm as the others. Ariaudo was clever. I fielded him so as not to risk Mellberg and he played well. He is a youngster who we are counting on. In general, tonight’s match was a good training session in view of Sunday’s match against Siena, an opponent who plays well and against whom we will have to sweat a lot».

Berikut komentar pelatih untuk Juventus Channel: " Yang terpenting bagi saya hari ini adalah tidak ada pemain yang mengalami cidera dan kembali ke atmosfir kejuaraan. Poulsen, Salihamidzic dan Zanetti bermain baik meskipun tetap belum sebaik yang lain. Ariaudo bermain cerdas. Saya memasukkan dia dan dia bermain baik. Secara umum, malam ini pertandingan menjadi sesi latihan yang bagus sebelum pertandingan hari minggu menghadapi Siena, yang merupakan lawan yang bermain bagus dan melawan mereka kita akan mengeluarkan banyak keringat